Quality, Environment and Safety Policy

Neadvance assumes as a fundamental commitment the development and commercialization of systems for Industrial Automation/Automatic Inspection; the provision of artificial vision equipment and systems; ensuring the promotion of a safe and healthy working environment internally, and in the services that provides to third parties; respect for the environment through a rigorous management of the impacts resulting from the activity, aiming at the creation and maintenance of a high quality service and the application of good practices of Social Responsibility.

The commitment assumed is implemented through the following fundamental principles:

– Promotion of the diversification of products and services, creating value for the customer;

– Environmental protection, including pollution prevention and other specific commitments relevant to the organization’s context;

– Promotion of the continuous development of employees, encouraging the ability to take initiative, encouraging teamwork and providing the necessary training, as a guarantee of suitable levels of performance and motivation in each job and contribution to Sustainable Development;

– Providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and health problems and that is appropriate for the purpose, size and context of the organization, and for the specific nature of the risks and opportunities for SST;

– Promotion of consultation and participation of employees and/or employees’ representatives.